Beach Soccer Rules of the Game - Rule 1


Surface of the field:

The surface must be of sand, levelled, free of rocks, shells, and any other object that may offer risk of injury to the players.

For international competitions, the sand must be of fine grains, being at least 15 inches deep. The sand also must be sifted until it becomes acceptable, not rough, free of rocks and dangerous pieces. It shall not be excessively fine to cause dust or attach to the skin.


The field must be rectangular. The length of the touchline must be greater than the length of the end line.
Length: 115 feet
Width: 90 feet

Field markings:

The field is marked with lines. These lines belong to the areas of which they are boundaries.

The two longer boundary lines are called touchlines. The two shorter lines are called end lines.

All lines are 3.5 inches wide and made of a tape of resistant material with sufficient color in order to contrast with the sand. These lines are anchored to the sand at each corner using special corner connectors and sand anchors, and to the goals using rubber rings attached to the goal posts.

The field is divided into two halves by an imaginary halfway line defined by two red flagpoles.

The center of this imaginary line is the exact position for the kick-off.

The penalty area:

A penalty area is defined at each end of the field as the imaginary line parallel to the end line that joins the touchlines at 30 feet into the field, defined by 2 yellow flagpoles.

An imaginary penalty mark shall be defined at the center of the penalty area line, equidistant from the goal posts.

Flag posts:

Flag posts measuring not less than 5 feet high, with a non-pointed top and a flag, are placed around the field. They are made of unbreakable plastic an dare elastic and weatherproof.

Four yellow flagpoles mark the penalty area at each side of the field. One red flagpole is placed at each corner of the field. Another two red flagpoles mark the imaginary halfway line, one at each touchline.

All flag posts, except those placed at the corners, shall be anchored on the outside of the field, 3 feet from the touchlines.

Substitution zone:

The teams' benches are situated behind the touchline directly next to the free space on both sides of the timekeeper's table.

The substitution zones, where the players enter and leave the field for substitutions, are situated between the teams' benches and the timekeeper's table, and are 16 feet in length, which is the distance between the intersection of the halfway line and the touchline and the teams' benches. This free space, directly in front of the timekeeper's table, is kept clear.


Goals must be placed on the center of each end line. They consist of two upright posts equidistant from each corner and joined at the top by a horizontal crossbar. The goals must be painted with sufficient color to contrast with the sand.

The distance (inside measurement) between the posts is 18 feet and the distance from the lower edge of the crossbar to the ground is 7 feet.

Both goal posts and the crossbar have the same width and depth which will not exceed 7.5 inches.

Nets, generally made of nylon, are attached to the posts and crossbars behind the goals.

The lower part of the vertical posts shall have an anchor plate to be anchored under the sand for safety reasons. Two lateral bars with a length of 5 feet shall be placed at sand level and connected by a crossbar or plastic covered chains with hooks and laces at both ends. This crossbar shall be anchored to the sand as well.


A 5 to 10 feet perimeter security zone surrounds the field.

The goals may be portable but they must be anchored securely to the ground during play.


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